Tuesday, April 12, 2011

“The Hell and the Heaven” Once a man asked the Angel if he can show him the Hell and the Heaven…….. Angel smiled and took him to a room, where, there were lots of people sitting on meal….. There was only a single spoon and a food container…. Unfortunately everybody was fighting for the spoon to snatch it and to feed himself, the picture in the room was miserable as every body was fighting for the spoon, every body was pushing and yelling at each other. The food spill on their clothes and nobody was able to eat that. What pity??? The people there were very lethargic and with poor health as if they were suffering from famine……… The Angel declared that this is Hell Later the Angel took him to the other room, where there was peace and serenity…. The Picture was almost the same with the same single spoon and the container…… but the difference in the attitude of people. Instead of feeding themselves, they were feeding others….. Everybody was looking healthy, with filled stomach and happy…… The Angel smiled and declared the second room as Heaven……….. We can have peace everywhere if we learn to live for others, leave ego and selfishness and come out of our nutshell. We should always think for others instead of ourselves……